

In Press

Alloy, L.B., & Nusslock, R. (in press). An integrated immuno-reward model of adolescent depression:  Theory, evidence, and implications. Current Directions in Psychological Science

Ibonie, S. G., Young, G., Ploe, M. L., Mauss, I. B., Alloy, L., Bavel, J. V., Borelli, J. L., Bullock, B., Holley, S. R., Jopling, E., Kamble, S., LeMoult, J., Mason, L., Moriarty, D., Nusslock, R., Okuma, A., Rutledge, R. B., Strauss, G.,  Villanueva, C. M., & Gruber, J. (in press). Bipolar spectrum risk and social network dimensions in emerging adults: Two social sides?. Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology.

Nusslock, R., Mittal, V., & Alloy, L.B. (in press). Reward processing in mood disorders and schizophrenia: A neurodevelopmental framework. Annual Reviews of Clinical Psychology.

Walsh, R. F. L., Maddox, M. A., Smith, L. T., Olino, T., Zee, P., Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L. B. (in press). Sleep regularity in adolescents: Associations with sleep parameters and prospectively occurring substance use and depression. Journal of Sleep Research.

Yarrington, J.S., Metts, A.V., Wang, S., Cullen, B., Ruiz, J., Zinbarg, R.E., Nusslock, R., & Craske, M.G. (In press) Everyday discrimination and trajectories of transdiagnostic symptoms of depression and anxiety among young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stigma and Health. PDF

Zinbarg, R.E., Kramer, A.M., Kelley, N.J., Williams, A.L., Schmidt, M., Chat, I.K.Y., Young, K.S., Kleijmem, B.J., Nusslock, R., & Craske, M.G. (in press). Beyond mono-method symptom assessment: Multi-method extension of the tri-level model anxiety and depression. Clinical Psychological Science.


Butler, E.R., Samia, N., White, S., Gratton, C, & Nusslock, R. (2024). Neuroimmune mechanisms connecting violence with internalizing symptoms: A high-dimensional multi-modal mediation analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 45, e26615. PDF

Cichocki, A.C., Zinbarg, R.E., Craske, M.G., Chat, I. K-Y., Young, K.S., Bookheimer, S.Y., & Nusslock, R. (2024). Transdiagnostic symptoms of depression and anxiety associated with reduced gray matter volume in prefrontal cortex. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 339, 111791. PDF

Cushing, C.A., Peng, Y., Anderson, Z., Young, K.S., Bookheimer, S.Y., Zinbarg, R.E., Nusslock, R., & Craske, M.G. (2024). Broadening the scope: Multiple functional connectivity networks underlying threat conditioning and extinction. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-15. PDF

Haggarty, C.J., Glazer, J., Nusslock, R., Lee, R., & de Wit, H. (2023). Lack of effect of methamphetamine on reward-related brain activity in healthy adults. Psychopharmacology, 241(1), 181-193. PDF

Leve, L.D., Kanamori, M., Humphreys, K.L., Jaffee, S.R., Nusslock, R., Oro, V., & Hyde, L.W. (2024). The promise and challenges of integrating biological and prevention sciences: A community-engaged model for the next generation of translational research. Prevention Science, 25, 1177-1199. PDF

Metts, A., Zinbarg, R. E., Nusslock, R., Tabak, B. A., & Craske, M. G. (in press). Longitudinal associations among adult attachment orientations, emotion regulation tendencies, and transdiagnostic anxiety and depression symptoms in young adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41, 1457–1480. PDF

Miller, G.E., Carroll, A.L., Armstrong, C.C., Craske, M.G., Zinbarg, R.E., Bookheimer, S.Y., Chat, I.K.Y., Vinograd, M., Young, K.S., & Nusslock, R. (2024). Major stress in early childhood strengthens the association between peripheral inflammatory activity and corticostriatal responsivity to reward. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 117, 215-223. PDF

Nusslock, R., Alloy, L.B., Brody, G.H., & Miller, G.E. (2024). Neuroimmune network model of depression: A developmental perspective. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65, 538-567. PDF

Nusslock, R., Kogan, S.M., Yu, T., Armstrong, C.C., Chen, E., Miller, G.E., Brody, G.H., & Sweet, L.H. (2024). Higher substance use is associated with low executive control neural activity and higher inflammation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 120, 532-542. PDF

Rosenberg, B.M., Young, K.S., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R.E., & Craske, M.G (2024). Anhedonia is Associated with Overgeneralization of Conditioned Fear during Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 105, 102880. PDF

Schiller, D., Alessandra, N.C., Alia-Klein, N.,Becker, S., Cromwell, H.C., Dolcos, F., Eslinger, P.J., Frewen, P., Kemp, A.H., Pace-Schott, E.F., Raber, J., Silton, R.L., Stefanova, E., Williams, J.H.G., Abe, N., Abhajani, M., Albrecht, F., Silke, A., Aragon, O.R., Arias, J.A., Arzy, S., ... Soreq, H. (2023). The human affectome. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 158, 105450. PDF

Smith, L.T., Bishop, O.C., Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L.B. (2024). The Path from Mood Symptoms to Substance Use: A Longitudinal Examination in Individuals with and at Risk for Bipolar Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 360, 33-41. PDF

Wen, A., Zbozinek, T.D., Ruiz, J., Zinbarg, R.E., Nusslock, R., & Craske, M.G. (2024). Heart Rate Variability as a Biomarker for Transdiagnostic Depressive and Anxiety Symptom Trajectory in Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 133, 638-646. PDF

Westerman, H.B., Suarez, G.L., Burt, S.A., Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Nusslock, R., Klump, K.L., & Hyde, L.W. (2024). Exposure to community violence as a mechanism linking neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and neural responses to reward. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 19, nsae029. PDF



Alloy, L. B., Chat, I. K. Y., Grehl, M. M., Stephenson, A. R., Adogli, Z. V., Olino, T. M., Ellman, L.M., Miller, G.E., & Nusslock, R. (2023). Reward and Immune Systems in Emotion (RISE) prospective longitudinal study: Protocol overview of an integrative reward-inflammation model of first onset of major depression in adolescence. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity-Health, 30, 100643. PDF

Alloy, L.B., Walsh, R.F.L., Smith, L.T., Maddox, M.A., Olino, T.M., Zee, P.C., & Nusslock, R. (2023). Circadian, reward, and emotion systems in teens prospective longitudinal study: Protocol overview of an integrative reward-circadian rhythm model of first onset of bipolar spectrum disorder in adolescence. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 1-20. PDF

Anderson, Z., Damme, K.S.F., Carroll, A.L., Chat, I.K., Young, K.S., Craske, M.G., Bookheimer, S.Y., Zinbarg, R.E., & Nusslock, R. (2023). Association between reward-related brain functional connectivity and tri-level mood and anxiety symptoms. Neuroimage: Clinical, 37, 103335. PDF

Craske, M.G., Herzallah, M.M., Nusslock, R., & Patel, V. (2023). From neural circuits to communities: An integrative multidisciplinary roadmap for global mental health. Nature Mental Health, 1, 12-24. PDF

Glazer, J.E., Murray, C.H., Nusslock, R., Lee, R., & de Wit, H. (2023). Low doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) increase reward-related brain activity. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48, 418-426. PDF

Gruber, J., Cosgrove, V., Dodd, A., Dutra, S. J., Hinshaw, S. P., Ibonie, S. G., Kahawage, P., Meyer, T. D., Murray, G., Nusslock, R., Stanton, K., Villanueva, C. M., & Youngstrom, E.  A. (2023). Mania and bipolar spectrum disorders. In B. Krueger & P. Blaney (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology (4th ed., 228-256). Oxford University Press. PDF

Kraus, B., Zinbarg, R., Braga, R. M., Nusslock, R., Mittal, V. A., & Gratton, C. (2023). Insights from Personalized Models of Brain and Behavior for Identifying Biomarkers in Psychiatry. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 152, 105259. PDF

Osborne, K.J., Zhang, W., Gupta, T., Farrens, J., Geiger, M., Kraus, B., Krugel, C., Nusslock, R., Kappenman, E.S., Mittal, V.A (2023). Clinical high-risk for psychosis syndrome is associated with reduced neural responding to unpleasant images. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132(8), 1060-1071. PDF

Porter, A., Fei, S., Damme, K.S.F., Nusslock, R., Gratton, C., & Mittal, V.A. (2023). A meta-analysis of single vs. multimodal neuroimaging techniques in detecting biomarkers linked to psychosis. Molecular Psychiatry, 28, 3278–3292. PDF

Rosenberg, B.M., Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Lau, H., Young, K.S., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R.E., & Craske, M.G. (2023). A multivoxel pattern analysis of anhedonia during fear extinction: Implications for safety learning. Biological Psychiatry, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8, 417-425. PDF

Schrock, J.M., Nusslock, R., McDade, T.W., & Mustanski, B. (2023). Trauma history predicts decoupling of C-reactive protein and somatic symptoms: Results from a cohort study of sexual and gender minority youth. Psychosomatic Medicine, 85(5), 397-407. PDF

Yarrington, J., Metts, A., Zinbarg, R.E., Nusslock, R., Wolitzky-Taylor, K., Hammen, C., Kelley, N.J., Bookheimer, S., & Craske, M.G. (2023). The role of positive and negative aspects of life events in depressive and anxiety symptoms. Clinical Psychological Science Vol. 11(5), 910 –920. PDF

Zinbarg, R.E., Schmidt, M., Feinstein, B., Williams, A., Murillo, A., Echiverri-Cohen, A.M. Enders, C., Craske, M.G., & Nusslock, R. (2023). Personality predicts pre-COVID-19 to COVID-19 trajectories of transdiagnostic anxiety and depression symptoms. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132(6), 645-656. PDF


Boland, E.M., Kelley, N.J., Chat, I.K., Zinbarg, R.E., Craske, M.G., & Nusslock, R. (2022). Poor sleep quality is significantly associated with effort but not temporal discounting of monetary rewards. Motivation Science, 8, 70-76. PDF

Carroll, A.L., Damme, K.S.F., Alloy, L.B., Bart, C.P., Ng, T.H., Titone, M.K., Chein, J., Cichocki, A.C., Armstrong, C.C., & Nusslock, R. (2022). Risk for bipolar spectrum disorders associated with positive urgency and orbitofrontal cortical grey matter volume. Neuroimage: Clinical, 36, 103225. PDF

Chat, I.K., Dunning, E.E., Bart, C.P., Grehl. M.M., Damme, K.S.F., Carroll, A.L., Abramson, L.Y., Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L.B. (2022). The interplay between reward-relevant life events and trait reward sensitivity in neural responses to reward cues. Clinical Psychological Science, 10, 869-884. PDF

Damme, K.S.F., Alloy, L.B., Kelley, N.J., Carroll, A., Young, C.B., Chein, J., Ng, T.H., Titone, M.K., Bart, C.P., & Nusslock, R. (2022). Bipolar spectrum disorders are associated with increased gray matter volume in the medial oribitofrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Advances, 2(1), e12068. PDF

Dang, N., Khalil, D., Jiehuan, S., Naveed, A., Sourmare, F., Nusslock, R., & Hamidovic, A. (2022). Behavioral symptomatology in the premenstrum. Brain Sciences, 12, 814. PDF

Eisen, A., Zivot, J., Nusslock, R., Balgopal, M. M., Hue, G., & Negi, L. T. (2022). The Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, a Novel Journey in Cross-Cultural Science Education. Frontiers in Communication, 7, 89. PDF

Glazer, J.E., & Nusslock, R. (2022). Outcome valence and stimulus frequency affect neural responses to rewards and punishments. Psychophysiology, 59, e13981. PDF

McCarthy, M.J., Gottlieb, J.F., Gonzalez, R., McClung, C.A., Alloy, L.B., Cain, S., Dulcis, D., Etain, B., Frey, B.N., Garbazza, C., Ketchesin, K.D., Landgraf, D., Lee, H., Marie-Claire, C., Nusslock, R., Porcu, A., Porter, R., Ritter, P., Scott, J., & Smith, D. (2022). Neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of circadian disruption in bipolar disorder: A critical multi-disciplinary literature review and agenda for future research from the ISBD task force on chronobiology. Bipolar Disorders, 24, 232-263. PDF

Metts, A.V., Arnoudova, I., Staples-Bradley-L., Sun, M., Zinbarg, R.E., Nusslock, R., Wassum, K.M., & Craske, M.G. (2022). Disruption in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer as a function of depression and anxiety. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44(2), 481-495. PDF

Murray, C.H., Glazer, J.E., Lee, R., Nusslock, R., & de Witt, H. (2022). Δ9-THC reduces reward-related brain activity in healthy adults. Psychopharmacology, 239, 2829-2840. PDF

Nusslock, R., & Farah, M. J. (2022). The Affective Neuroscience of Poverty. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 34, 1806–1809. PDF

Nusslock R., Gerardo N.M., Mascaro J.S., Shreckengost J., and Balgopal M.M. (2022) Integrating Authentic Research Into the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative. Frontiers in Communication, 7, 767547. PDF

Osborne, K.J., Zhang, W., Geiger, M., Farrens, J., Kraus, B., Glazer, J., Nusslock, R., & Kappenman, E.S., & Mittal., V.A. (2022). Neural mechanisms of motor dysfunction in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: Evidence for impairments in motor activation. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131(4), 375 - 391. PDF

Peng, Y., Knotts, J.D., Young, K.S., Bookheimer, S.Y., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R.E., *Kelley, N.J., Echiverri-Cohen, A.M., & Craske, M.G. (2022). Threat neurocircuitry predicts the development of anxiety and depression symptoms in a longitudinal study. Biological Psychiatry, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8, 102-111. PDF

White, S.F., Nusslock, R., Miller, G.E. (2022). Low socioeconomic status is associated with a greater neural response to both rewards and losses. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 1939-1951. PDF

Young, K.S., Ward, C., Vinograd, M., Chen, K., Bookheimer, S.Y., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R.E., & Craske, M.G. (2022). Individual differences in threat and reward neural circuitry activation: Testing dimensional models of early adversity, anxiety and depression. European Journal of Neuroscience, 55, 2739–2753. PDF


Alexander, R., Aragon, O., Bookwala, J., Cherbuin, N., Gatt, J.M. Kahrilas, I.J., Kastener, N., Lawrence, A., Lowe, L., Morrison, R.G., Mueller, S.C., Nusslock, R., Papadelis, C., Polnaszek, K.L., Richter, S.H., Silton, R.L., & Styliadis, C. (2021). The neuroscience of positive emotions and affect: Implications for cultivating happiness and wellbeing. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 121, 22-249. PDF

Anderson, Z., Gratton, C., & Nusslock, R. (2021). The value of hyperalignment to unpack neural heterogeneity in the precision psychiatry movement. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6, 935-936. PDF

Bart, C., Nusslock, R., Ng, T.H., Titone, M.K., Carroll, A.L., Damme, K.S.F., Young, C.B., Armstrong, C.C., Chein, J., & Alloy, L.B. (2021). Decreased reward- related brain function prospectively predicts increased substance use. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130, 886-898. PDF

Bart, C.P., Titone, M.K., Ng, T.H., Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L.B. (2021). Neural reward circuit  dysfunction as a risk for bipolar spectrum disorders and substance use disorders: A review and integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 87, 102035. PDF

Chat, I.K., Nusslock, R., Moriarity, D.P., Bart, C.P., Mac Giollanhui, N., Damme, K.S.F., Carroll, A.L., Miller, G.E., & Alloy, L.B. (2021). Goal-striving tendencies moderate the relationship between reward-related brain function and peripheral inflammation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 94, 60-70. PDF

Miller, G.E., Chen, E., Finegood, E., Lam, P., Weissman-Tsukamoto, R., Leigh, A.K.K., Hoffer, L., *Carroll, A.L., Brody, G.H., Parrish, T.B., & Nusslock, R. (2021). Resting-state functional connectivity of the central executive network moderates the relationship between neighborhood violence and pro-inflammatory phenotype in children. Biological Psychiatry, 90, 165-172. PDF

Miller, G.E., White, S.F., Chen, E., & Nusslock, R. (2021). Association of inflammatory activity with larger neural responses to threat and reward among children living in poverty. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178, 313-320. PDF

Nusslock, R., Balgopal, M.M., Hue, G., Zivot, J., Negi, L.T., & Eisen, A. (2021). The Emory-Tibet Science Initiative: A historic collaboration between modern science and Tibetan Buddhism. Frontiers in Communication. 6:765368. PDF

Young, K.S., Bookheiner, S.Y., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R.E., Damme, K.S.F., Chat, I.K., Kelley, N.J., Vinograd, M., Perez, M., Chen, K., Echiverri Cohen, A., & Craske, M.G. (2021). Dysregulation of threat neurocircuitry during fear extinction: The role of anhedonia. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46, 1650-1657. PDF


Boland, E.M., Goldschmied, J.R., Wakschal, E., Nusslock, R., & Gehrman, P. (2020). An integrated sleep and reward processing model of major depressive disorder. Behavior Therapy, 51, 527-587. PDF

Damme, K.S.F., Alloy, L.B., Young, C.B., Kelley, N.J., Chein, J., Ng, T.H, Titine, M.K., Black, C.L., & Nusslock, R. (2020). Amygdala subnuclei volume in bipolar spectrum disorders: Insights from diffusion-based subsegmentation and a high-risk design. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 3358-3369. PDF

Langenecker, S.A., Kling, L.R., Crane, N.A., Gorka, A.M., Nusslock, R., Damme, K.S.F., Weafer, J., de Wit, H., & Phan, L. (2020). Anticipation of monetary reward in amygdala, insula, caudate are predictors of pleasure sensitivity to d-amphetamine administration. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 206, 107725. PDF

Moriarity, D.P., Ng, T., Titone, M., Chat, I., Nusslock, R., Miller, G.E., & Alloy, L.B. (2020).  Reward responsiveness and ruminative styles interact to predict inflammation and mood symptomatology. Behavior Therapy, 51, 829-842. PDF

Young, K., Hasratian, A. M., Parsons, C. E., Zinbarg, R. E., Nusslock, R., Bookheimer, S. Y., & Craske, M. G. (2020). Positive social feedback alters emotional ratings and reward valuation of neutral faces. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 1066-1081. PDF


Alloy, L.B., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Future directions for understanding adolescent bipolar spectrum disorders: A reward hypersensitivity perspective. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, 669-683. PDF

Brody, G.H., Yu, T., Nusslock. R., Barton, A.W., Miller, G.E., Chen, E., Sweet, L.H. (2019). Effect of supportive parenting on the relationship between adolescent poverty and resting state functional brain connectivity during adulthood. Psychological Science, 30, 1040-1049. PDF

Damme, K., Gupta, T., Nusslock, R., Bernard, J., Orr, J., & Mittal, V.A. (2019). Cortical morphometry in the psychosis risk period: A comprehensive perspective on surface features. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4, 434-443. PDF

Damme, K.S.F., Kelley, N.J., Quinn, M.E., Glazer, J., Chat, I.K., Young, K.S., Nusslock, R., Zinbarg, R., Bookheimer, S., & Craske, M.G. (2019). Emotional content impacts how executive function ability relates to willingness to wait and work for reward. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 637-652. PDF

DelDonno, S. R., Karstens, A., Cerny, B., Kling, L. R., Jenkins, L. M., Stange, J. P., Nusslock, R., Shankman, S., & Langenecker, S.A. The titrated monetary incentive delay task: Sensitivity, convergent and divergent validity, and neural correlates in an RDoC sample. (2019). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41, 512-529. PDF

Glazer, J.E., Kelley, N.J., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Hypomania and depression associated with distinct neural activity for immediate and future rewards. Psychophysiology, 56, e13301. PDF

Kelley, N.E., Glazer, J.E., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Reappraisal and suppression emotion-regulation tendencies differentially predict reward-responsivity and psychological well-being. Biological Psychology, 140, 35-47. PDF

Kelley, N.J., Kramer, A.M., Young, K.S., Echiverri-Cohen, A.M., Chat, I.K., Bookheimer, S., Nusslock, R., & Craske, M.G., Zinbarg, R.E. (2019). Evidence for a general factor of behavioral activation system sensitivity. Journal of Research in Personality, 79, 30-39. PDF

Nadig, A.G., Kelley, N.J., Pornpattananangkul, N., Glazer, J.E., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Shifts in attentional scope modulate ERPs evoked by reward. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 586-599. PDF

Nusslock, R., Brody, G.H., Armstrong, C.C., Carroll, A.L, Sweet, L.H., Yu, T., Barton, Hallowell, E., A.W., Chen, E., Higgins, J., Parrish, T.B, Wang, L., & Miller, G.E. (2019). Higher peripheral inflammatory signaling associated with lower resting state functional brain connectivity in emotion regulation and central executive networks. Biological Psychiatry, 86, 153-162. PDF

Nusslock, R., Glazer, J., Ng, T.H., Titone, M.K., & Alloy, L.B. (2019). Reward hypersensitivity in bipolar spectrum disorders: Current status and future directions.  In J. Gruber (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Positive Emotion and Psychopathology. (pp. 161-183). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. eBook

Pornpattananangkul, N., Grogans, S., Yu, R., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Single-trial EEG dissociates motivation and conflict processes during decision-making under risk. Neuroimage, 188, 483-501. PDF


Allen, J.J.B., Keune, P.M., Schonenberg, M., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Frontal EEG alpha asymmetry and emotion: From neural underpinnings and methodological considerations to psychophathology and social context. Psychophysiology, 55, 1-6. PDF

Glazer, J.E., Kelley, N.J., Pornpattananangkul, N., Mittal, V.J., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Beyond the FRN: Broadening the time-course of EEG and ERP components implicated in reward processing. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 132, 184-202PDF

Hostinar, C. E., Nusslock, R., & Miller, G. E. (2018). Future directions in the study of early-life stress, physical and emotional health: Implications of the neuroimmune network hypothesis. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47, 142-156. PDF

Liu, P., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Exercise-mediated neurogenesis in the hippocampus via BDNF. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 52. PDF

Liu, P., & Nusslock, R. (2018). How stress gets under the skin. Early life adversity and glucocorticoid epigenetic regulation. Current Genomics, 19, 1-12. PDF

Miller, G.E., Chen, E., Armstrong, C.C., Carroll, A.L., Ozturk, S., Rydland, K.J., Brody, G.H., Parrish, T.B., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Functional connectivity in central executive network protects youth against cardiometabolic risks linked with neighborhood violence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 12063-12068. PDF

Nusslock, R., Shackman, A.J., McMenamin, B.W., Greischar, L.L., Davidson, R.J., & Kovacs, M. (2018). Comorbid anxiety moderates the relationship between depression history and prefrontal brain asymmetry. Psychophysiology, 55, 1-9. PDF


Alloy, L.B., & Nusslock, R. (2017). Reward-related cognitive vulnerability to bipolar spectrum disorders. World Psychiatry, 17, 102-103. PDF

Damme, K., Young, C.B., & Nusslock, R. (2017). Elevated nucleus accumbens structural connectivity associated with proneness to hypomania. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 928-936. PDF

DelDonno, S.R., Jenkins, L.M., Crane, N., Nusslock, R., Ryan, K.A., Shankman, S., Phan, K.L., Langenecker, S.A. (2017). Affective traits and history of depression are related to ventral striatum connectivity.  Journal of Affective Disorders, 221, 72-80. PDF

Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L.B. (2017). Reward processing and mood-related symptoms: An RDoC and translational neuroscience perspective. Journal of Affective Disorders, 216, 3-16. PDF

Pornpattananangkul, N, Nadig, A., Heidinger, S., Walden., K., & Nusslock, R. (2017). Elevated outcome-anticipation and outcome-evaluation ERPs associated with a greater preference for larger-but-delayed rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 625-641. PDF 

Reznik, S.J., Nusslock, R., Pornpattananangkul, N., Coan, J.A., Abramson, L.Y., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2017). Laboratory-induced learned helplessness attenuates approach motivation as indexed by posterior versus frontal theta activity. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 904-916. PDF


Alloy, L.B., Olino, T., Freed, R., & Nusslock, R. (2016). Role of reward sensitivity and processing in major depressive and bipolar spectrum disorders. Behavior Therapy, 47, 600-621. PDF

Anand, D., Oehlberg, K.A., Treadway, M.T., & Nusslock, R. (2016). Effect of failure/success feedback and the moderating influence of personality on reward motivation. Cognition and Emotion, 30, 458-471

Hamlat, E.J., O’Garro-Moore, J.K., Nusslock, R., & Alloy, L.B. (2016). Assessment and treatment of bipolar spectrum disorders in emerging adulthood: Applying the Behavioral Approach System Hypersensitivity Model. Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, 23, 289-299. PDF

Nusslock, R. (2016). Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging. In J.C. Norcross, G.R. VandenBos, & D.K. Freedheim. APA Handbook of Clinical  Psychology: Vol. 2. Theory and Research. (pp. 494-508). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. PDF

Nusslock, R., & Miller, G.E. (2016). Early-life adversity and physical and emotional health across the lifespan: A neuro-immune network hypothesis. Biological Psychiatry, 80, 23-32. PDF

Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2016). Willing to wait: Elevated reward-related EEG activity associated with reduced delay-discounting responses. Neuropsychologia, 91, 141-162.  PDF

Young, C.B., Chen, T., Nusslock, R., Keller, J., Scatzberg, A.F., & Menon, V. (2016). Anhedonia and general distress associated with dissociable connectivity of ventromedial prefrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 6, e810. PDF 

Young, C.B., & Nusslock, R. (2016). Positive mood enhances reward-related neural activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 934-944. PDF

Young, C.B., van Eijndhoven, P., Nusslock, R., Fernandez, G., Schene, A., Beckmann, C.F., & Tendolkar, I. (2016). Decreased hippocampul volume is related to white matter abnormalities in treatment-resistant depression. International Journal of Brain Disorders and Treatment, 2, 1-6. PDF


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Hu, X., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2015). Executive control and reward-related neural processes associated with the opportunity to engage in voluntary dishonest moral decision making. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience,  15 (2), 475-491. PDF

Pornpattananangkul, N., Hu, X., & Nusslock R. (2015). Threat/Reward-sensitivity and hypomanic-personality modulate cognitive-control and attentional neural processes to emotional stimuli. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 10, 1525-1536 PDF

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Walden, K., Pornpattananangkul, N., Curlee, A., McAdams, D.P., & Nusslock, R. (2015). Posterior versus frontal theta activity indexes approach motivation during affective autobiographical memories. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15(1), 132-44. PDF

Zabelina, D., O’Leary, D., Pornpattananangkul, N., Nusslock, R. & Beeman, M. (2015). Creativity and sensory gating indexed by the P50: Selective versus leaky attention in divergent thinkers versus creative achievers. Neuropsychologia, 69, 77-84. PDF


Nusslock, R., Young, C., & Damme, K. (2014). Elevated reward-related neural activation as a unique biological marker of bipolar disorder.  Behavioral Research and Therapy, 62, 74-87. PDF


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Alloy, L.B., Urosevic, S., Abramson, L.Y., Jager-Hyman, S., Nusslock, R., Whitehouse, W.G., & Hogan, M.E. (2012). Progression along the bipolar spectrum: A longitudinal study of predictors of conversion from bipolar spectrum conditions to bipolar I and II disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 16-27PDF

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Nusslock, R., Almeida, J.R.C., Forbes, E.E., Versace, A., LaBarbara, E.J., Klein, C., & Phillips, M.L. (2012). Waiting to win: Elevated striatal and orbitofrontal cortical activity during reward anticipation in euthymic bipolar adults. Bipolar Disorders, 14, 249-260. PDF

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Nusslock, R., Harmon-Jones, E., Alloy, L.B., Urosevic, S., Goldstein, K.E., & Abramson, L.Y. (2012). Elevated left mid-frontal cortical activity prospectively predicts conversion to bipolar I disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 592-601. PDF


Nusslock, R., & Frank, E. (2011). Subthreshold bipolarity: Diagnostic Issues and Challenges. Bipolar Disorders13, 587-603. PDF

Nusslock, R., Shackman, A.J., Coan, J.A., Harmon-Jones, E., Alloy, L.B., & Abramson, L.Y. (2011). Cognitive vulnerability and frontal brain asymmetry: common predictors of first prospective depressive episode. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 497-503PDF


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Alloy, L.B., Abramson, L.Y., Walshaw, P.D., Gerstein, R.K., Keyser, J.D., Whitehouse, W.G., Urosevic, S., Nusslock, R., Hogan, M.E., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2009). Behavioral approach system (BAS) – relevant cognitive styles and bipolar spectrum disorders: Concurrent and prospective associations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 459-471. PDF

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Alloy, L.B., Abramson, L.Y., Neeran, A., Walshaw, P., Urosevic, S., & Nusslock, R. (2005). Psychosocial risk factors for bipolar disorder: Current and early environment and cognitive styles. In S. Jones & R. Bentall (Eds.), The Psychology of Bipolar Disorder: New Developments and Research Strategies (pp. 11-46). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. PDF

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